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How Can The Elderly Keep Themselves Healthy?

Healthy Weight Maintenance

A good diet can also help seniors maintain a healthy weight. If you have been diagnosed with a chronic condition, your doctor may suggest eating more calories to maintain your weight. Incorporating all four types of physical activity into your day can help improve your health.

Avoid Smoking

Another good way to stay healthy is to avoid smoking. Smoking is a known contributor to many health conditions, including heart disease and cancer. This is especially true for older adults, who are more prone to these illnesses.

Regular Sleep

Having a regular sleep schedule is essential to your overall health. Having a regular schedule for getting up and going to bed helps you maintain your energy level throughout the day. Taking medications at the appropriate time is crucial. This is why it’s a good idea to have a doctor write a prescription.


Another thing that you can do to enhance your health is to drink lots of water. This can also help prevent urinary tract infections and constipation. It’s a good idea to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day.